

Organic production. Our wines are certified organic by ECOCERT. This means no insecticide, herbicide, pesticide or any other chemical products are used in the winemaking process. Use of sulphites (to maintain the wine’s shelf life) is limited by the organic certification rules. By producing with organic farming methods, our farm’s impact on the natural ecosystem is very limited.


Renewable energy. We strive for at least 80% renewable energy production on-site. With our solar boiler and wood stove we are largely self-sustaining in terms of heating. Our solar panels contribute to a greener electricity grid.

Packaging. We minimize the use of plastic by using cardboard boxes for our pallet wine packaging. When possible we get our boxes back to reuse them. For webshop wine shipments our fulfillment partner uses protective foam. This prevents our wine bottles from breaking, which would cause extra emissions of re-doing the shipment. We are working to replace the protective foam with protective cardboard.

Cork. We don’t use plastic bottle stops. Instead we use natural cork, sourced in Portugal.